I had enjoyed yoga, but now wanted to try qi gong. A few years after finding reiki I joined a large group, sitting on plastic chairs in a park in South Yarra. We listened to a man named Jack Lim as he explained about the energy of qi gong, where upon he gave a demonstration. He lifted his hand and said that he would direct his energy to a woman sitting directly across from him, a good distance away. When he had finished, he asked what she had felt. She replied, ‘Nothing.’ This was because Jack had been a little off in his direction. I was sitting next to her, and had been the receiver. My body had begun to slowly slide down off the chair, and I was struggling to stay upright. Luckily for me, Jack finished when he did, otherwise I would have been laid out, splat on the ground. Of course, I signed up straight away. How good was this! Another healing energy therapy to add. I was on a path to becoming an energy junkie.
This is an excerpt from my book, Disabled to Able, available here